
After a time of prayer and meditation, I feel right at home with the challenge God has given to me in 2014.  Psalm 1:6 has been the chapter and verse that will lead me each day to an adventure in my walk with God.  It will be interesting to take note of the road He leads me on and just how much notice I will be getting while watching Him chart my life journey.

Have you ever noticed how many special ways God refers to us, His dear children?  He calls us His beloved sons and daughters, the righteous, children of the kingdom, His anointed, royal priesthood, the faithful in Christ, His temple, His friends, and so many other loving names that speaks to who we are in Him.  Also in many cases, the names we are given at birth have both biblical and heavenly identities tied into them.  Our Heavenly Father who watches over us daily has created the ideal path for each of us to take to travel the journey of life, just as a father will make plans for his own child by putting things in place at a very early age for education, health, graduation, and marriage.  God has predestined and equipped each of us to carry out a specific purpose that will create the design He desires to be in place for His kingdom to be effective in the earth.

This year I will be reading mainly through the Psalms and using The Message the first half of the year and switching to the American Standard Version the second half as my devotional translation of the Bible.

It will be quite a journey and I am thrilled that you will be able to walk that road with me.

18 thoughts on “About

  1. I have to say I am really impressed with your site. Yes, I know the content is the real reason for the blog but a warm welcome isn’t wrong.
    I am lacking in this area: I know a good page when I see one but I usually don’t know why.
    I too love the Psalms. To me it is man’s relationship with God handbook.
    My God bless your efforts.
    A Servant

  2. Thanks for your blog – and thanks for following my blog, Learning From God’s Word. God bless you and make you a blessing to many.

  3. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the follow of our blog. I never want to take it for granted.
    A Servant
    P.S. Next week I’ll be introducing a new blog idea and will be asking for input. I sure would like for you to chime in with what you think.

  4. Thank you for your recent visit and follow. I hope you found something to bless or encourage you. 🙂 I just added your blog to my RSS Reader and look forward to your posts. Shalom! Beth

  5. I love what you say here about how GOD refers to us – his children. When we are going through rough places in our lives these are great thoughts to especially remember during these times. They bring great comfort and joy. Thanks for stopping by my site and for following. I am honored you have chosen to do so and I look forward to seeing more on your site as well.

  6. Thanks for the follow. ..following you now.

    I love your site and hope to capture all your wonderful writings of psalm. My favorite so far and deep in my spirit is psalm 126:5 what we sow in tears reaps much joy. You have no idea how strong that scripture spoke to me during my struggles.

    Abundant blessings, Emma

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